Struggling with the state of the world?

Eco-anxiety (sometimes called ‘eco-distress’ or ‘climate-anxiety’), is a way of describing how people may feel when they hear negative news about our planet, the climate, how animals are treated, and the environment.

You might feel anxious, worried, upset, scared, sad, angry, overwhelmed, feeling the need to avoid people or social situations, unsure about the future, or even gastrointestinal issues, sweating, choking, dizziness, increased heart rate or palpitations and/or urinary frequency. And that’s completely understandable: climate change is a very real issue, affecting lives, livelihoods, the economy and ecosystems right around the world, including here in Australia.

If you think you may need some support to manage your climate anxiety please contact me.

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed?

Let me help you find sustainable balance and peace of mind.